Spring is here and you need to get a bunch of stuff done around the homestead. But before you go spending money on all kinds of supplies, you need to do research.
Most everything you want to buy or rent can probably be recreated, borrowed or manipulated in a much cheaper way. Why spend money when you can just hack your way to a better life?
Thusly, check out these lifehacks that will take it easy on your wallet and get you started in saving money for what you really need…like those new Yeezys (coming soon).
Recharge batteries using other batteries
Kill ants with cornmeal
Buy your cell phone used
Use Whatsapp and Talkatone apps to save money on phone plans
Use orange rinds and vinegar as an all-natural cleaner
Clear computer cookies before buying airline tickets
Use natural honey on zits, burns, infections and lots of other stuff
Go to the cotdamn library for free book, DVD, game, etc. rentals
Use coupon websites
Buy a water filter instead of drinking bottled water