healthy, fitness, clean,eating, vegetables, fruits, women, diet

Aaaaaaaaaaah! that feeling you feel after working out, or drinking a tall glass of water with a slice of lemon in it, or getting a good nights rest. You can feel like this every day you know, IF you change up your eating habits and incorporate some cardio in your every day life.  Think about the years of eating burgers, fries, fried chicken, excessive alcohol, second-hand smoke and so many other toxic things that you have put into your body since you were a child. 

Your over 30 now and your blaming the fatigue on age. NOPE! that’s not it!!!!! Because first of all being over 30 is not old, being over 30 is being GREAT! this is the prime of your life, you should be at your best, mentally, physically, emotionally and with any luck *wink* sexually, yaaaaaaaaaaaaz but maintaing mental health start and ends with what you put into your body and more importantly what you release from your body.

Beginning a clean eating routine is not an easy task but its not impossible either and if your anything like me you will get sick and tired of muffin top and bloated bellies. That shit aint hot! So my girl Krishna has some awesome I mean absolutely AWESOME health tips for you on her site…. If you want to know more about clean eating, healthy living and all around physical greatness, please check out

This girl from Brooklyn knows a thing or two about keeping fit!!!! Peep an excerpt from her blog below!

As I make my way through my second pregnancy (whoo hoo *throws confetti*) I’ve dealt with insane cravings, bouts of fatigue and NFTG* state of mind when it comes to working out. But every day I make a choice to stick by my healthy diet, workout and power through all of it.

Since I’ve been getting a lot of questions on how I do it, why I do it and don’t I ever just get tired of it, I’ve realized there are a lot of people out there that want to live healthy but view it as punishment rather than an accomplishment, and that’s why they hate it. So here are the top 10 things I know about being healthy and how I stay motivated!

1.There is no secret or special formula to living a healthy life. The only thing you need is dedication. A want to be free and in control of your destiny.

2. With proper meal planning you never have to suffer hunger pangs. We’ve all been taught the 3 meal rule,  but actually 6 smaller balanced meals is the proper way to fuel your body.

3. No one likes to work out. But keeping your routine fresh and viewing it as fun, not an obligation, you will energize you.

4. The mirror is not a reflection of your future but of your present. Look at yourself every day and revel in every accomplishment.

5. The mental challenges you face daily while getting healthy are no different than any other challenge. You will conquer them with focus and dedication.

6. Change your diet!! This doesn’t mean you have to go on an uber-restrictive diet, or fast, it means redefine what kinds of foods you eat.

7. Do the research!! All foods are not created equally. Organic is best but not always worth it.

8. Losing weight is a perk to living healthy; it should never be your only goal. If it is you’re already defeating yourself.

9. Guilt is defined as “The feeling of responsibility for some offense, crime or wrong, whether real or imagined.” When you’re on a quest to live a healthy life there is no room for guilt EVER. GUILT is more of a detriment than that cupcake you had.

10. Every step—and misstep—is a step in the right direction. You’re human cut yourself some slack.

There will be ups and downs but it’s your journey. Define it, stick to it and when the road gets rough fight hard and get through it.

 Need some recipes to get you started? Well here you go!

There is so much good stuff on this site! I encourage you all to check it out!!!


-Ayana Ellis

Author & Deputy Editor of Don Diva Magazine


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