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Hot stories around the web that you shouldn’t miss out on:

15 Athletes Who Didn’t Let Drugs Get In The Way Of Their Success
The recent revelation of Lamar Odom and his crack-addicted past definitely came as a shocker to the sports world. However, this is also just a reminder that pro athletes, no matter how rich or famous they are, are human beings, too. Many guys have come before, taken care of their business, and gotten back out on that field and performed. No major media story or anything. These are the 15 who didn’t let drugs get in the way of their success…

Did Lupe Fiasco Hide Millions For A Drug Kingpin?
Lupe Fiasco may be looking at the kind of bars that won’t got him another grammy-nod. The Chicago-bred rapper has been accused of concealing millions of dollars for his mentor and convicted drug kingpin Charles “Chilly” Patton.

8 Common Lies Your Partner Will Tell You
Let us begin with this: nothing here is universally applicable, and thinking it is will turn you into a ball of neurosis, so don’t even go there. However, everything here is, in one case or another, true.

Everything You Know About Naps Is Wrong
A long time ago humans would sleep during the day when they were exhausted. Whenever their bones ached from making candles or joining wood they laid down or slumped over and slept. They woke up when they weren’t tired anymore, and picked up their work where they left off. Guess what? Our forebears were fucking irresponsible when it came to dozing. Thanks to the miracle of science, we now know that taking naps isn’t some bullshit Rockwellian surrender but a complex exercise that demands all our faculties.

Watch The World’s Strongest Man Deadlifting 973.5 lb [VIDEO]
My intestines just tore through my abdomen wall and I’ve begun bleeding into my pants just from watching this.

The 8 Types of Friends That Will Change Your Life After College
Making friends as an adult is far from a walk in the dog park. That said, because postgraduates are pretty into embracing hashtaggable interest and career related cultural movements, we inevitably expose ourselves to a new cast of characters–the types of people that will signify that we’re shockingly capable of moving on from college.

Guy Follows Girl’s Advice On Twerking In His Bedroom
Not sure this is going to twerk out.

15 Memorable Porn Star Quotes On Pictures Of Puppies

Watch This Man Steal A Woman’s iPhone Using Chopsticks
A pickpocket is one of the worst kinds of petty criminals, snatching some of your most prized possessions with ease as you continue your day completely oblivious to his thievery.

11 Shocking Google Earth Before-and-After Photos
We traveled through Google Earth to find some of the most shocking imagery available.