People look forward to March as spring begins, days get longer, nights shorter, and some much needed relief from winter. With everyone ready to shed their winter layers and get outside, it makes sense that there were a number of mobile games released last month. Here are our picks of some of the best that sprung up in March.


Out There – $3.99


You are an astronaut that has just awakened from cryonic sleep to find that you are off course and are now way out there in space. Your job, keep your ship together and fueled while you make your way back to your home galaxy. Along the way you will meet species, both helpful and hostile, that will move you along your quest. While it isn’t your typical “shoot up the bad aliens” game, Out There is addictive and one of the most complex and enjoyable games released recently.

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AirFighters Pro – $4.99


Flight simulators are notoriously bad in two main areas, controls or graphics, but Airfighters Pro has none of these. Claimed to be one of the best mobile flight simulators, Airfighters Pro puts you in the cockpit of some of the most advanced fighters in current use, navigating a dizzying array of over 500 actual airports, 1107 runways, aircraft carriers and real time weather conditions. You can even plan your own scenarios and share them with other pilots. AirFighters Pro is the perfect game for those of us who just finished a Top Gun marathon and feel the need, the need for speed.

Google Play

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Frontline Commando 2 – Free


The follow up to the widely successful Frontline Commando, the second has you playing as a soldier who was betrayed and left for dead. Now you must build a team of mercenaries to help you get your revenge. Amazing graphics, various customizable weapons, a PVP option for when campaigns get a little tedious, all makes frontline Commando 2 hours of fun.

Google Play

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Star Horizon – $3.99


You’re a pilot in the Federation that during a battle was somehow put into cryo-sleep (remind me to invest in cryonics it seems to be big in the future) and must now fight his way back home to find out what happened. You do this with the help of your A.I. Ellie who pretty much handles the steering so you can handle the human things, avoiding and blowing things up. Star Horizon has some beautiful graphics and while it reminds me of those many trips to Disneyworld to ride Space Mountain, it gives you enough freedom to customize and upgrade your ship and weapons and choose what faction you support, making it still a pretty fun game.

App Store


Epoch 2 – $4.99


The sequel to Uppercut Games’ successful first person shooter finally has arrived. You once again take control of Epoch, a robot who has fulfilled his primary mission of reaching Princess Amelia, but now must reviver her from cryosleep (more cryonics!!!) while avoiding a battlefield. Much of what made the original has returned including a combat system designed for touchscreens, which has you ducking and dodging fire while trying to take out enemy forces. New tricks have been added including new weapons and a finishing move.

Google Play

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