At 7-years-old Amanda Bynes began her entertainment career. Twenty years later she may have irreparably crashed her potential in the most startlingly pathetic manner.

The f***?

Bynes’ recent arrest for smoking weed in the front lobby of her apartment building does not reflect well on her. Nor does her threat to sue the arresting police officer for sexual harassment. Or the threat to sue her apartment building. Or that tangled weave of blonde failure she called a wig that bearhugged her crown in court recently.

It is clear, just from this, that Amanda Bynes may have permanently lost her grip. But that’s just the tip of an iceberg littered with hilariously awful fail.

1. Allegedly said that Chris Brown should have beat Rihanna

This past holiday weekend when most folks were grilling and spending time with family Amanda, allegedly, took time out of her holiday to tweet that Rihanna deserved to get beat up by Chris Brown because she was ugly.

If you absolutely, positively are going to piss off a massive chunk of the world, asserting that a world-reknown music artist deserved domestic violence for being ugly will do it. Rihanna’s response has been minimal and Bynes denies that the tweets are genuine even though they came from her account.

Of course, if she hides herself in enough giant, awkward wigs those tweets might actually go away. Heh heh. Right.