
Soon-to-be released “Titanfall” has already been getting negative press on how much space the game will take up on the Xbox One. It was first rumored the game would take up as much as 40 GB. Then Respawn squashed that and confirmed the game would only take up 20 GB. It’s still a substantial amount of space to play one game if you were looking purchase. And this doesn’t even include any upgrades the game may have.

The 500 GB that  both Xbox One and PS4 come with is starting to look small as new games are starting to hit the market. Newer games are larger and is taking up much more space that games did on the last generation consoles.  With both Sony and Microsoft telling gamers that digital downloads are almost a must, it could turn away gamers from purchasing games like “Titanfall.”

However before you decide on whether to purchase the game or not, here are five reasons you should consider the game if you own a Xbox One.

Wall Running


Running on walls in games in a game isn’t a new concept. It’s been 20 years ago in games like Strider (which recently got an upgrade) but it’s never been done in a multiplayer game like this. This added element in a FPS will allow free movement and harder for bad guys and opponents to shoot or attack. This element of gameplay can also effect you because attacks can come anywhere as opposed from just the top or bottom from enemy squads.

The Titans


The whole game play is based on the Titans themselves, and in the multiplayer games, gamers wants to see how effective the Titans will be in matches. Will they play a significant role or will it depend on the player’s skill?  Overall, just having the option to use a gigantic robot in gameplay is awesome.

Double Jump Jetpacks


If you’re a fan of “Halo” you will love the double jump jet which will take the  multiplayer FPS in the air. Taking the concept of “Call of Duty” and adding an element of “Halo” should be exciting for fan waiting to pick the game. That’s if  you haven’t played the beta version already release on the Xbox One.

The Pilots


While gamers are excited about the Titans, pilots play a major role as well.  The Titans will have their class but pilots will have their own as well which adds more options of weaponry  in-game play. The game will be full on savage game with pilots vs. pilots, pilots vs. titans, titans vs. titans. Depending on locations or matches the Titan and pilot will have certain advantages.

Only Multiplayer Option Gameplay


Fans of first-person shooters are on the fence of a game being a full multiplayer and not have the option of a campaign mode. “Titanfall” will be the first game to show gamers how awesome an all multiplayer experience is. There isn’t any real storyline, no set game hours to play or set locations to save your game during gameplay. For now the main objective is to pound your opponents.