Ladies I know you love him, I know you want him to stay but you gotta chill the fuck out with these drastic Lifetime Movie tactics to get him to hear you!!!! Okay? Now I know the advice I give is presented to you very raunchily. But I know what the fuck I’m talking about. And I have to add curses for the ignorant motherfuckas who choose not to listen unless your cursing. So can we talk about it? Ok….


Every time he’s in the kitchen.. YOU in the kitchen. He can’t even go outside without you bugging him, wanting to go, texting, calling wondering when he’s coming back. Til one day he just got so sick of you and as you followed him to the door like a lil puppy talking about “Where you going? What time are you coming back?” he turned around with the quickness and sprayed static spray on yo ass and yelled back the fuck up! Like Onyx.  You can’t do that ladies. Stop sweating your dude you gotta let him breathe or he will leave! Learn to trust that man  and if you can’t trust him then you don’t need to be with him. 

2. STOP DI BLOODCLOT CRYING: Whining to him about who did what to you in your past, how you feel, what you don’t want to happen again, can he please not hurt you, waah waah waah. That is NOT the way to get a man to not shit on you. First of all, there is no way to get a man to NOT shit on you. If he’s the type of ni**a that likes to shit on bitches then that’s what its gonna be.  Your job is to #1, choose better and stop being so blinded by your wants, needs and thirstiness, get your mind right and then think about getting a man…. and THEN make sure you got your issues in check when you do so. They type of woman you are is the type of man you will attract so remember half this shit is your fault. Ain’t nothing wrong with sharing some things with your mate, but put your trust and faith in the man above your head not the man under you in bed.

3.  INSECURITY: There is NOTHING cute about a grown ass woman that looks for validation in a man.  NOTHING. Okay daddy left, Bitch that was how many years ago? Grow up, get your life and stop staring up in men’s faces for the answer. He’s gonna walk right out the door with all that pressure you’re putting on him to “be your daddy” or to “make you feel beautiful.” Your mate shouldn’t have to pay for what your parents did to you. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST and you will attract a man that loves you just as much or even more! Its definitely about not attracting a ni**a like your father.

4. ANGRY: Nothing more unattractive than an angry woman. Why are you so angry in the first place? Find out, correct that shit and then go out into the world and try to attract a good dude.  You just angry, waking up mad slamming toothpaste down on the sink, spilling orange juice on the counter and not cleaning it up, shit like that.  Men love a happy chick, a good energy having woman. Don’t be a dumb bitch, get ya happy on… you think your man is happy coming home to you every day to find you scowling, ready to beef about any and everything? Just mad all the damn time. Aint nobody got time for that! Now your mad because he left you, he aint shit now… Oh, ok.

5. SEX STARVED: I don’t know who told you bitches that depriving a man of sex is going to make him straighten up.  All its going to do is make him scroll through his Rola-Fuck and find that freak bitch Paula.  Keep ya pussy, he could care less. Now you mad and alone because he’s out the door. You play too much withholding the pussy. Men do not like pussy games. Trust me, he’ll be upset for a hot second about not getting some from  you, but most of the time these dudes are just “Play Mad” that your not giving them some.  He could care less, he’s fucking somebody else and soon he’ll be permanently with that somebody if you don’t cut the shit.  So if your mad at your man, take another toy away… never the pussy if you want him to stay.

Be a stand up woman and get your issues together and you are sure to attract and keep a stand up dude that won’t give you any issues. Period. #Don’tBeADUMBBITCH


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The post 5 Reasons Why He Walked Out Of Your Life appeared first on Don Diva Magazine.