Last night, Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos,” as reimagined by Neil deGrasse Tyson and Seth MacFarlane, debuted on broadcast television. It was beautiful, it was powerful and it was a great moment for science in general.

If you didn’t watch it, you should have. You shouldn’t have watched just because it was educational though. You shouldn’t have watched it just because it was something on TV. You should have seen it because you need to. That’s right, you need to. You, sitting right there, in your computer chair, need to see “Cosmos.” And we can prove why.

The Black Community needs to get behind STEM studies

boy chemistry study - boy chemistry study

STEM studies are an acronym for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. And now more than ever, the Black Community needs to be getting their kids involved with these fields of study. Not just because of their importance to society, but because we’ve produced some of the most important scientists in the world.

You know about George Washington Carver, but what about Daniel Hale Williams who performed the first open heart surgery in the US? What about Charles Drew who organized the first large-scale blood bank? And what would your summers be like without Lonnie G. Johnson who invented the first Super Soaker?

More of our children need to have moments like these with science