Disclaimer: I will use the word bitches often throughout this article, not because I have limited vocabulary or because I’m angry but because I need to say bitch to get my point across.”

“Friend or Foe Yo… State Ya Biz!”


From the time we were little girls we experienced having a friend that was a hater and sadly enough these baby haters turn into grown women haters if they continue to hate themselves. Because that’s all a hater is, a person that hates themselves so they can’t possibly love anything or anybody else…genuinely.  But why hate on the next person because you choose to do dick with your time and she chooses to get money, get better, get a life and get ahead? Even worse is having someone you deem “close” to you that can’t seem to be happy for you or anybody for that matter.  You love them, you’ve known them for a while and sure they may have held you down during some trying times in your life but the weather is always cloudy with a chance of shade and thunder stealing when it comes to this bitch. What do you do? How does that make you feel? Do you keep this bitch around for the little bit of good she has? Do you not take it personal knowing that “that’s just who she is?” or do you say “fuck this bitch I’m over her bullshit!” I mean nobody is perfect and sometimes we are selfish and we get in our own feelings and could give a fuck about who we hurt and how we act. Sometimes as women we go through some real shit in life and it’s impossible to be happy at all and we have to be selfish and fall back because we don’t want to be around any one doing better than us at the time. We need a moment to get our shit right before we resurface and join the Positive Party, I get it. None of us are angels and none of us are exempt from doing stupid shady girl shit, however, there is a difference between being temporarily selfish and being a dare I say it….hater. (I hate the term “hater” by the way but you gotta call a spade a spade.)

We love our friends, we don’t ever want to think that “our girl, our bitch, our ace boon coon” is jealous of us, doesn’t want the best for us, wants to see us fucked up. We will blame everybody but that bitch when shit looks funny. “The devil tryna fuck up our friendship.” Nah B, you can’t blame everything on the devil sometimes it is what it is, your home girl ain’t shit and you just don’t want to see it because you love and trust this hoe, she knows everything about you.

These bitches are no different from that man you love that you swear ain’t cheating, would never do you dirty, will always have your back and then boom, you get that call from the side-bitch he been fucking with since last June. Now you all “I can’t believe it” and what not. It’s the same thing! You are in a relationship with your friends as well, and if you have a friend that fits any of the 6 descriptions below, you might want to rethink this friendship:

  1. The “Ni**as Aint Shit” Bitch

In the case of adult women, something is definitely wrong when you hear grown ass women still hollering “ni**as aint shit.” That is not healthy grown woman conversation and clearly this woman has issues with men.  Sure ni**as aint shit, but there are some good men out there and the fact of the matter is, we all want love, we all want a partner we can trust and we all want happiness.   But if you’re being poisoned by a bitch who hates men, never has luck with men and doesn’t believe she can be in a healthy relationship with one, you better believe she is going to low-key poison your relationships with subliminal hate, bullshit logic and negative energy in regards to this topic.  So do yourself a favor and keep your love life to yourself when it comes to this bitch. Avoid the unhappy and unlucky, she ain’t got nothing for you but war stories and a black heart.

2. The “Passive Aggressive” Bitch

When it comes to friends you have to understand that women should have different friends for different areas in their life, as to not apply so much pressure to one friend to be “all things” to and for you.  Also understand that most “friends” only give advice based  on  what they  are  going through, not what  you are  going through and sadly, some women don’t know how to be happy for others when they’re  going through hard times.  This woman is the walking dead. Nothing ever works out in this bitch life. She is always unhappy, complaining about something! Everything she says will have a negative or hateful vibe to it. She is very passive aggressive and you will be very frustrated dealing with this bitch after a while because you won’t know if she loves or hates you.   She is the type of bitch to say, “I’m happy for you girl, just be careful though,” “Congratulations girl, I hope this works out for you unlike the last time,” “shit like that. This friend is doing what is called “projecting.” She is projecting her negativity and anger, which stems  from  what  is  going  on  in  her  life,  onto  yours.  This friend doesn’t understand happiness and is probably comfortable in her own pain.  Being happy is not a normal emotion for this bitch. This “friend” has a condition called “Psychological Projection,” which is a defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people, like their happy go lucky girlfriends. In other words, these bitches are bubble bursting misery magnets and you can’t share your joy with her…. only your misfortunes.   This bitch just can’t find the silver lining in shit! She is in her own damn way of being happy so never mind telling this bitch anything positive, she’s going to make you feel like a fool for believing or make you feel guilty for being happy. She probably isn’t even aware of what she is doing, so the grown up thing to do, would be to tell this bitch what she’s doing before you fall back from her, and if she still does it after that? Cancel that bitch because clearly, to this bitch, water is not wet and your feelings don’t mean shit to her.

3. The “I don’t fuck with bitches” Bitch

This bitch scares me. She really does because as a woman how do you not have a real bond or a sisterhood with other women or at least one or two bitches? “I don’t fuck with bitches, because bitches be…” Let me tell you about a woman that is always ranting about how she doesn’t fuck with other bitches that’s why she rolls alone. This is the most dangerous, insecure bitch in the world! 1. Isolation is a sickness and this bitch is sick in the damn head and not only that, 2. She doesn’t want to see other bitches that are in a better position than her so that makes her a fucking hater and 3. She is also afraid to see who she really is, in the bitches she attracts as friends so that makes her a weak bitch.  Three strikes you need to get her the entire fuck out of your life! The next time you come across a female that’s talking that bullshit, run! It’s like taking a guy serious that’s always talking about how bitches ain’t shit. Would you date him? So why would you want to be friends with that kind of female when she is clearly talking to you! She is incapable of female interaction because she doesn’t know how to interact with herself, she doesn’t like herself, SHE’S A HATER, and all you’re doing is enabling this lousy ass bitch and it’s only a matter of time before you see for yourself how lousy this “friend” really is.  This female only wants to make her close friends feel “privileged” to be around her since she normally doesn’t fuck with females like that, so you can start trusting and telling this bitch all your business and then boom!  She reminds you of what she told your dumb ass in the beginning which is “I don’t fuck with bitches.” What made you think you were any different….. bitch?

4. The “Emotionally Draining” Bitch.

This bitch is an emotional leech and will sit on your couch and expect you to help her through every goddamn thing in her life. She can’t think for herself, she needs your help in everything from what to wear out on a date to how to suck a dick, I mean it’s ridiculous. You do most of the talking in this friendship.  You feel more like a therapist than you do a friend, you know what I’m talking about? And this bitch gives nothing in return, so after a while you get tired, you begin to resent her once you realize that this friendship is one-sided. She just sucks all the energy, knowledge and information out of you and when she gets her life, she’s gone, with not so much of a thank you card and the bitch will only return when she’s in turmoil again.  FUCK this bitch right here. She’s a leech and we all know leeches are suckers and when you feed a sucker they just turn into a bigger leech. So stay sucker free and don’t even piss on her if she’s on fire.

5. The “Crab Ass” Bitch

This woman is codependent on your friendship, so any move you make that allows her to feel as if you won’t have time for her anymore, she is going to shoot down in hopes of keeping you in that boat with the holes in it along with her.  She doesn’t really want to hear about that man that’s making you happy because that shit is making her mad, so for every good thing you tell her about him, she’s looking for a flaw in him to help her sleep at night. That new job opportunity you got? She’s not happy about that either because it’s going to take up your time. As much as she claims to hate to see you struggle, she needs you to struggle so the two of you can remain on the same level. The fake “you go girl,” “Oh that’s what’s up” etc., are all replies that hating ass bitches give you when you tell them some greatness.  Not to say that you have to do cartwheels for a bitch to show her your happy for her, but you just know how jealous a bitch is when you tell her some good news about you and the energy in the room or over the phone instantly shifts and then you don’t hear from the bitch for a while. These bitches almost always have to “call you back,” when you’re in the middle of sharing some good news to them over the phone.   No you’re not bugging, that bitch just spilled hate on your garments.  Your happiness just made the bitch sick so she had to take a leave of absence from the friendship until she feels strong enough to deal with all of your greatness.  Fuck that crab ass bitch.

6. The “Down Ass” Bitch

You gotta wonder why God even made these kinds of bitches.  “These bitches” are the prime example of what a frienemy is. They are around you 100% supporting you when you are down and out, while you’re going through bullshit with these dudes, losing jobs, fighting with your siblings, going to court with your baby daddy, all that shit! They are right there, answering the phone whenever you call, coming over to “keep you company,” lending that ear and that shoulder for you to cry on, giving so much of themselves to be there for you and of course you will look at this woman as a great friend.  You will tell everyone you know, “that’s my bitch,” because she was there for you! Nobody else was there but this hoe.  You feel as if you can tell this woman every and anything because she is there being a supportive, compassionate, loyal, loving friend.  She prays for you, is there for you, wants the best for you, “girl I can’t wait for you to find that true love, get that new job, get through this, you my bitch you deserve to be happy, you deserve so much better, God is going to answer your prayers girl, watch!”

And by the grace of God and this bitches prayers what happens? You fall in love, you get a new job, your baby daddy starts helping with the kids and all of the issues you hurt over are no more! And who better to share this news with than with that one down ass bitch who was there, watching you struggle all this time? But every time you call to tell her all the good shit, this bitch is sleep.

Sleep meaning, she doesn’t want to hear about your happiness.  But wait, she had tons of energy to watch you struggle and cry and offer her support, so what happened? This is where you learn that some people can only tolerate you when you’re down, but when you’re happy these motherfuckas ain’t nowhere to be found!  If you got a friend like this you need to dead that bitch until she completes her “Haters Anonymous” course.  This is the same bitch that the minute yawl stop speaking, she’ll tell everybody how you ain’t shit because she was there for you and now that your happy you think you’re all that. Silly ass bitches…

Talking about these bitches done made me tired.  So let me just wrap this shit up.  The sad part about this is that you never know how foul your homie is until AFTER you stop speaking. Once this frienemy no longer has access to your personal business, she is going to get mad and why? Because she doesn’t have a front seat in your life to judge all that you’re going through.  So shortly after you two stop speaking, she’ll start making up shit about you, you’re going to hear all your business embellished in the street, a weak bitch is going to slander you every chance she gets to dirty your name so that she can look innocent, she’s going to hang with bitches that you don’t fuck with because you know nothing brings two people closer together than their hatred for a third, she’s going to sub you on social media, she’s going to tell the people closest to you fucked up things about you to make them not want to fuck with you and if those simple fucks want to judge you, based off of bitches that use to love you? They ass is just as weak and stupid, so fuck them too, you know what I’m talking about? Weak bitches move like this. Real women stop speaking and move on, nothing left to be said. And they’re gonna keeeeeeeeeeeeep talking and let them!

So if a bitch shows you this side of her after you guys stop speaking? Consider yourself blessed that she is no longer in your life, because the one thing that all of those women have in common is that they are some unhappy insecure bitches with no dreams and low self-esteem, nine times out of ten these bitches are always angry, always got a beef or some kind of hang up with somebody over something all of the time and at the end of the day these bitches have to start with loving them, wanting better for them and being comfortable with them before they can even think about being in the company of women. It is not your job as a friend to take the abuse, not say shit about her slick ass mouth or ignore her fucked up ways.  A confident woman couldn’t hate on another bitch no matter how hard she tries because it’s not in her DNA.  But you got some real weak bitches out here and you need to make sure that this bitch is not in your circle posing like a friend. Most importantly make sure that weak bitch is not you!

Also, familiarity breeds contempt.  It doesn’t matter how great of a friend you think he or she is, your safest bet is to keep shit to yourself, give only a little information because that jealous and envy shit is real.  Once a fake bitch knows too much about you, she’ll start calculating your moves, watching your pockets, checking out what your ni**a is about, all for the sake of talking shit. These types of bitches are only around you until A) they get what they want from you or B) YOU get what THEY want, you know what I’m talking about?

In conclusion, if you have good friends you can trust, be thankful and treasure them, don’t let no bullshit get in the way of a real friendship.  It’s a must that you surround yourself with like-minded individuals to avoid a lot of conflict. Keep “those bitches” over there, limit your time with them because nothing good will come out of this so called friendship.  Don’t apologize for outgrowing friends or cutting off bitches who just give off too much shade and doubt. Ain’t nobody got time for that! It’s okay to get tired of letting bitches in just for them to let you down, get tired of that shit!!! And stop being held hostage in these fake ass friendships just because a bitch knows your deepest darkest secrets and you feel as if you gotta keep her around cause she knows too much. LET THEM TALK. These bitches are so busy talking about you, they don’t’ even remember to do them, and that’s why they can’t prosper. LET THEM TALK… Let them tell your business, so?!?!?!! what do you care?!?!! Let them talk!!!! Nine times out of ten you know shit about them too BUT your a real bitch… and real bitches move in silence and don’t dibble dabble in that kind fuckery.  Smile, continue on your journey of growth and rebuke a lousy bitch along with lace fronts, weave glue, jeggings on fat bitches, bright red hair on dark bitches and lil dick ni**as with big di*k ni**a attitudes, rebuke them all!  You are deserving of good friends… remember that!


-Ayana Ellis

Deputy Editor of Don Diva Magazine


Also check out 7 signs that your friend might be jealous of you

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