Working from home has become very popular over the years. Many women are opting out of being in an office and instead working blackgirlremotely from the home or even starting their own business. It’s also been a struggle as women try to find their balance in the home for business and living. Whether you have no kids in the home, have small kids or school aged kids we can all use a little more encouragement on how to work from home successfully.

Here are seven tips to help you balance working from home and become successful.





Set aside a specific place to work

As much as we would love to believe we can work from our bedroom it’s just not realistic. The remote on one side and the pillow behind you are definitely motivation to take one too many naps during the day. Find a space to put computer desk and make that area around the computer desk your own. This will separate you from the “home” and keep you focused on being in work mode.

If you are able to have a home office, really invest in great equipment and décor that inspires you to work. Making sure you have everything you need from printers, working internet, fax machine and cabinets will help you find your way around your home/office space a little easier.

Create a daily work schedule

Creating a daily work schedule is the best way to really get things accomplished. When working from home we can get bogged down with family calls, washing laundry, planting in the garden, talking to our friends and worse clients, bosses, co-workers, etc. calling morning, noon and night. Set your work hours and stick to them and let everyone know what those hours are. Be honest with yourself with your work hours, the best part about working from home is that you can decide what works best for you. If you are not a morning worker use that time to catch up on the news, doing a hobby, cooking a healthy breakfast, play time with your kids, workout, whatever you need to prepare your mind and body for the day ahead and get started in the afternoon. You set the hours that you are most productive.

Network Electronic ally

You don’t get out like you use to when working from home. Learn to use social media sites as a way to network. There is no lunch time conversation with co-workers, you won’t find out the latest parties, networking functions. Use some time to set up sites such as LinkedIn or Twitter that can help you network effectively with your peers. Remember out of sight, out of mind, social media can help you stay in the loop and on people’s radar.

Have Activities set for the day for kids in the home

If you have small kids that are home during the day, you must have activities planned for them to do as well as a set schedule that works with your working schedule. It’s easy to have kids that want mommy time all day. You must program to your schedule, go on Pinterest and find new and exciting ways to entertain your kids throughout the day so you can handle business. If your kid is in daycare or a special program during the day, take them. Some mothers feel bad taking them because they are home working but remember you need the time to make life better for you and your little one, we are not superwoman, it just doesn’t work out that way, even your favorite celebrity mothers have help while working. How you think they get all that successful business taking care of?

Take a lunch

This is so important! Move away from your work phone and computer. Go out to your favorite spot, take a quick nap, do whatever you like just stop and take a nap. It helps you to refresh.

Get dressed

Yes working from home encourages us all to stay in our pajamas as long as we would like but that can sometimes promote inactivity. Your home is your comfort spot but you must find a way to make you feel like you can be productive. In the mornings get up, shower, get dressed, and put your makeup on. Be active in your home business. Getting dressed also helps with taking those important meetings and opportunities. A lot of times when meetings pop up we don’t take them because we still in yesterday’s pajama’s, getting dressed can help you say yes to those spare of the moment opportunities. So go get dressed.

Have a separate phone number for work and home

Not everyone should have your number is something I’ve heard successful people say over and over and it’s so true. Google Voice allows for you to have a number for your business and most of your phone/internet company’s. This is important because once your work day is over you don’t want people calling, texting or leaving you voicemails that will attempt to get you working when you are having family time or trying to relax. It also helps people to stay professional, when people who you do business with have your personal number they forget the line of friend and business and you may become the go to person for business positions you never intended to be in. You will become the google or consulting person without even getting paid for it.

Enjoy your flexibility

The great thing about working from home is being on your own time. I truly believe that’s why so many people are opting to work at home or start their own business. They want to enjoy their time and life more. All that working 40hours a week to do it over and over again is depressing.  Now is the time to work from a new vacation spot, go on those walks around the neighborhood, go see a friend for extend amount of time,  go catch a movie during your lunch time, start working at a time of the day that works for you, enjoy the flexibility working from home allows you to have.

-Lakeithea Nicole (@lakeitheanicole)