If you’re like most 20 somethings, you’ve probably convinced yourself your life would royally suck if  you weren’t a gazzilionaire by 30. And then 27 approaches and all of sudden you only have three years left.  God help you if you’re 28 and you haven’t put a dent in this “plan” of yours, and then 29 grabs you by the balls and you’re like ‘Oh sh*t! What the hell do I do?

Not to worry yourself. There are tons of celebs who got it poppin’ later on in life and found success. Don’t believe me? check out this list of folks who didn’t give up on their dreams.


Govt: Phil Knight

9-5: Co-founder and Chairman of Nike

Age: 75

When his career started to pop: In 1970, at age 32, Knight was able to leave his accounting job and focus full time on Nike.