Hot stories around the web that you wouldn’t want to miss:

You Can Now Have Turkey-Stuffed Donuts This Thanksgiving!
Uniformly fluffy-yet-chewy, this spiced pumpkin joint is stuffed with — no joke — actual Thanksgiving dishes, including turkey and gravy, turkey and cranberry, and toasted marshmallow cream…

11 Of The Weirdest Beauty Pageants
Miss drumstick? Miss jail? Miss hooker? The most wtf pageants…

Usher “Caught Up” In Lawsuit For Allegedly Stealing Hit Song
Usher has brought the world many-a-hit record over the years, but it turns out not everyone thinks they were all his to make. A trio of songwriters are claiming Usher left something out of his confessions; stealing the 2002 hit “Caught Up”.

Game Of Thrones: The Best “Secret” Bathrooms In Manhattan
Unless you subscribe to the Mayor Bloomberg School Of Holding It In, you’ve likely encountered some public urination crises. Peeing in New York is tough. Starbucks can be a pretty decent option, but can you hold it for 20 minutes waiting on line? Thankfully, you have some hidden options…

10 Of The World’s Weirdest Guided Tours
Bored with the same old typical tourist destinations? Check out these 10 weirdly offbeat guided tours. Far from normal, they will give you a new perspective about the the city or country you are visiting.

Gambling Mom On Hot Streak Allegedly Ditched 9-Year-Old Daughter At Casino
If there’s one thing we learned from The Hangover (other than ‘don’t even bother renting Hangover 3′) it’s that you never walk away from the table when you’re on a heater. And a casino is no place for children…

How To Attract Women With Your Body Language
For us men, it’s often hard work to spot the body language signs of a woman whilst we’re interacting with her. Women, on the other hand, have a natural way of noticing proper male body language and they’re also naturally attracted to the men that convey it. They have an easy time picking up on vibes that prove if a guy is actually attractive, purely by how his body is communicating.

Woman Grows A Mustache for ‘Movember’ [VIDEO]
Sarah O’Neill of Britain suffers from polycystic ovarian syndrome which results in unwanted facial hair. So, for the month of November she is going to join in her the men for Movember!

10 Fitness Secrets Of Thor’s Stuntman
Thor: The Dark World is currently in theaters. And since Thor is totally jacked, we figured it was a good time to grab some fitness advice from the guy who plays him. No, not Chris Hemsworth. Hemsworth’s stunt double, Bobby Holland Hanton—who has also doubled for guys like Christian Bale (in The Dark Night Rises), Ryan Reynolds (Green Lantern) and Daniel Craig (Quantum of Solace). Below, check out Hanton’s tips for getting ripped, looking good and chiseling the body of, well, a hammer-wielding god.