Atlanta-based celebrity MUA and stylist Kendra Cochran shares with us some easy winter skin care tips that you can use to protect your skin and keep it radiant all season long. Taking better care of your skin is as easy as going to your kitchen cabinet or pantry instead of pricey cosmetic stores, for a quick, homemade fix. kelly-rowland-people-magazine-435x400

  • Honey Dip: “Mix a half cup of honey to your bath water to smooth out your skin & make it softer.”  Did you know that this natural sweetener has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that pull out impurities from the skin? Use honey again for wound healing and smoothing out scars. Learn more about the benefits of honey.  Thank us later.
  • Ashy Isn’t Classy: “Wrap your hands (or feet too!) with Vaseline and cover with plastic wrap (Saran works fine) after your shower or bath to help with dry skin and make them soft after exposure to the cold winter air.” Pick up a pumice stone from the beauty supply to slough off dead skin from your feet, knees, elbows and hands. Cut a grapefruit in half, add 2 tablespoon sugar for a chemical-free exfoliator.
  • No Yolk About It: “For oily skin, make a mixture of oatmeal and egg whites; rub on face for 10 minutes, peel and wash.”  To create, use 1 egg white, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp oatmeal to exfoliate, nourish and balance the skin.
  • FaceTime:  “Always specifically use a facial moisturizer to moisturize your face. Try to use a SPF of 15 or higher.” Just because its winter, doesn’t mean the sun isn’t still working! Protect your skin harmful UV sun rays that can cause dark spots or deepen blemishes. Even women of color should use SPF protection all year round.
  • She Got That Aquafina: “Drink water! The best skin regiment to date.” Water keeps our skin from looking dry and ashen from cold winds. Need a little help with water reminders? Download the iPhone/iPad app Waterlogged for reminders on when you need to re-up on H20.

