Whether you’re into astrology or not, you could always use some extra guidance and sometimes horoscopes can do just that.   With the help of Yahoo.com, here’s the daily overview for each sign. For the extended and detailed day to day, click here.

-Tatiana R.

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10/23 -11/21

November 19th
You have to take greater care with your business dealings today — otherwise, you may find yourself working overtime in order to catch up later! Things should slide back into place pretty soon.

11/22- 12/21

November 19th
It’s a day of talk, not action. That may get frustrating after a while, but you should find that your energy is best spent in meetings or interviews, hard as that may be to believe.

12/22 -1/19

November 19th

Your big brain is incredibly powerful right now — but there are limits to everything! Try to only tackle problems that are manageable and clear, as the others may take up way too much time and energy.


1/20- 2/18

November 19th

Someone you don’t know as well as you’d like is setting off your radar — it could be a love connection! Once you get to know them better, things should start to become much clearer.

2/19 – 3/20

November 19th
Try not to get bogged down in details today — in fact, do your best to avoid specifics, if at all possible. Your energy is not meant to be used for paperwork, at least not on a day like today!


November 19th
A phone call changes everything today — so make sure your ringer is on and your battery is charged! It’s a good day for lateral thinking and flexible actions, so get ready for almost anything.

4/20 – 5/20

November 19th

This is not a good time to make big financial decisions — or little ones, really. Try to defer all your plans for at least a few days so you can get all the facts you need and feel more solid about your choices.


5/21 -6/21

November 19th
Your brain power is ten times greater than usual today — so make the most of it! You may find that others are intimidated at first, but you can show them that there’s nothing to be afraid of.

6/22 -7/22

November 19th

Your mood is not the best today — so try to make sure that you’re among people who really get you. Those who don’t know you well may be intimidated or worse, and nobody wants that!


7/23- 8/22

November 19th
Your social energy is still dominant — so make sure that you’re mixing it up with all the right people. Your ability to make connections and draw people toward you is making life much sweeter.

8/23 – 9/22

November 19th
Communication is key now — so make sure that you’re pushing through a few new big ideas so your people can think them over. It’s not a good day for action, but it’s great for planning and talking.

9/23 -10/22

November 19th
You are once again on both sides of some big argument — but that doesn’t mean you should give up! Just try to make sure that you’re dealing with people on their terms and not just your own.