Yes, you most certainly read that headline right.

O.J. Simpson‘s infamous murder trial, which birthed quite possibly the most notorious piece of legal jargon in American history–“If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit”–will have taken place 20 years ago this Saturday. In recognition of the anniversary, Lawrence Schiller, the author of American Tragedy: The Uncensored Story of the O.J. Simpson Defense, revealed to ABC News some of the insane, and unpublished details of the trial, and the things witnessed by Simpson’s defense team, which has been likened to an All-Pro squad–if you will–of lawyers and attorneys.

Of the tidbits Schiller divulged to ABC, easily the most eye-opening one was a conversation that took place between Robert Kardashian, a lawyer Simpson kept close, in an interesting place: Kim Kardashian‘s childhood bedroom.

On a recording Schiller believes was meant to be Simpson’s last words, the former All-Pro running back can be heard saying the following:

“Oh boy, I don’t know how I ended up here. Please remember me as ‘The Juice.’ Please remember me as a good guy. Don’t remember me as one of the negatives that might end up here. Please, please, please, please leave my kids at peace. I love everybody.”

Kardashian, quickly taking note of where Simpson was heading with that narrative, focused his efforts on talking Simpson off the ledge–and out of his daughter’s bedroom. This is Schiller’s account of what was on that recording.

Then O.J. said, ‘I’m going to kill myself in this room,’ and I said, ‘You can’t.’ I said, ‘This is my daughter’s bedroom,’” Kardashian told Schiller. “‘My little girl Kim sleeps here. I can’t have my little girl in this bedroom, and every time I come in here, I’m going to see your body lying in this. You can’t do that.’”

In summation, O.J. Simpson nearly offed himself in Kim Kardashian’s room. Of course, shortly after this, O.J. would get into a white Ford Bronco and engage in one of the most popular high-speed chases of all-time. But that brief tidbit pre-Bronco chase shouldn’t be lost.