If you didn’t know already, the premier international breakdancing tournament, the Red Bull BC One, will be taking place in Rome on November 14th. But you already knew that since you’re a true Hip-Hop fan, right? To get you warmed up for the ultimate showdown for global bragging rights, RedBullTV put together an eight episode series on the underground world of b-boys and it’s culture. Sitting in the director chairs are former BC One champions Lilou and RoxRite. It’s about time that the world gets familiar with the history and the best of the best in breakdancing.

The first episode was shot by RoxRite and features the San Francisco crew, Renegade Rockers. The video features interviews with first generation members through the third generation (including RoxRite, himself) who speak on the tradition and respect passed down for years. We also get some footage of their practice sessions in an undisclosed location and a brief timeline of the explosion of their reputation from the 1995 Radiotron tournament. You can watch the episode above to learn more about the unsung heroes behind the Renegade Rockers.

Stay tuned for the next episode and more info on streaming the Red Bull BC One Finals next week.

Bryan Hahn can’t get down like these guys but he’ll sure as hell watch with some popcorn. He’s on Twitter (@notupstate).