There are thousands of professional models throughout the world collecting paychecks to put on (or take off) clothes in front of a camera. Competition is fierce. Making a career of it is no easy task.

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Kate Upton has two years of ruling the modeling world behind her and is looking to make it a third. How? She gets that models want to be seen. And not just in pictures in magazines. She is a model of the 21st Century who understands that staying in the public eye means keeping those checks fat.

She does that with:


She knows she’s got the body. So why not highlight it however possible with a bunch of too-low tops?

A girl like her is going to get a lot of attention so she has to make sure that if she’s gonna be a high-profile chick she needs to date a high-profile guy. How about the pitching ace from the perennial playoff contending baseball team, the Detroit Tigers?

But don’t give away all your time. You have to be careful. Even if a kid puts out a viral video asking you to prom that doesn’t mean you have to accept it, even if you want to.

And when you’re going to go on television make sure that you look hot and play hard.

Continue on for more Kate Upton Winning Moments