after the smokeBuckle up

There’s almost no use telling you where After The Smoke is from. Okay, we’ll still tell you-Tallahassee, Florida. But you would never guess it from the intergalactic, trippy, melodic music they create. After The Smoke is composed of Rob Coin (Whuzi) and producers Joao Gonzalez (Soft Glas) and Day G. Their debut project, Microwaves, melts elements of Outkast’s flow, Jimi Hendrix’s psychoactive effects, and OverDoz’s vibes. It’s definitely something you can put on as your late night parties are dying down or when you’re waking up the next morning with the worst hangover. Depending on the party, you could even blast it when everyone arrives. After listening to the project, I can only imagine seeing them perform live in the basement of an apartment older than your grandparents or an abandoned church in the outskirts of town. And that’s a good thing.

You can catch up on their equally trippy music videos after the jump and stream the project below. You can download it HERE.

Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)