The leader of the Nation Of Islam supports West in the wake of the ADL’s anti-Semitism accusation

Kanye might have a lot of opposition, but he shares a common enemy with Minister Louis Farrakhan, which make them allies by default.

The NOI leader quickly defended Yeezy in a December 15 video address posted on the Nation’s Final Call website, stating that West merely “told the truth” during his interview on Power 105′s Breakfast Club. The self proclaimed genius said in his interview that “Black people don’t have the same level of connections as Jewish people.”

ADL director Adrian Foxman gave a statement, saying that West should “know better” and he should “apologize to those that he offended.”

Farrakhan immediately came to Kanye’s aid, declaring, “You wouldn’t put that small-time stuff over on me that you put on scared-to-death negroes that if they mention ‘Jew’ and you call them ‘anti-Semetic’ they start bowing to you and your pressure,” the 80-year-old said before sending a message directly to Yeezy. “Kanye West, don’t bow to the pressure to apologize to anybody. You said nothing wrong!”

Yeezus has yet to issue an official statement retracting his statement.

-Sha be Allah(@KingPenStatus)