Rihanna x MychalRihanna caused quite a stir on the Internet when she posted Philadelphia Eagles linebacker Mychal Kendricks as her #ManCrushMonday on Instagram.




Of course everyone waited patiently for Kendricks response assuming no man would turn down RiRi, so what did he have to say?

“Some of the guys told me about it. They were busting my chops a little,” Kendricks said.

He also said he’s never met her before, but would he like to?

“I don’t want to talk about this, y’all,” he said with a smile.

Awww he’s shy, that’s cute.  Some have made note of his resemblance to Chris Brown, I’m just going to describe him as a handsome young man.

Rih Mychal instagram

According to Jocks and Stiletto Jill here’s some tidbits about the athlete:

  • 23 years old – he’s a Libra
  • drafted in the second round by the Eagles in 2012
  • attended University of California Berkley
  • Next season will year 3 of a 4-year deal that was worth $4.3 million which included a signing bonus of $1.6 million.

I guess we can all just keep an eye out and see if anything flourishes from this.  It did work for Nick Young and Iggy Azalea, it appears this #MCM and #WCW is the new way for celebs to hook up rather than just reaching out via publicists…

Rihanna x Mychal
Rih Mychal instagram

– Shaina Auxilly (@Shay_Marie)