NBA: Cleveland Cavaliers at Los Angeles LakersNick Young aka Swaggy P got very upset tonight during the LA Lakers game against the Phoenix Suns.

Young drove to basket attempting a dunk and was fouled hard by Alex Len causing him to fall on the ground. Young got up and was irate as he pushed Len.  The Morris brothers jumped in between the two trying to keep them separate.  Goran Dragic then came over and Young appears to have punched or pushed Dragic in the side of the head.

Sidenote: Young was surrounded by Suns players not a Laker in sight to help.  Not saying what he did was right but he may have felt a bit intimidated.

The referees assessed a flagrant foul 2 to Len for his original foul.  The flagrant foul 2 designation applies to contact that is deemed “unnecessary and excessive” and requires an automatic ejection. The referees ruled that Young was guilty of a punching foul, which also requires an automatic ejection.

– Shaina Auxilly (@Shay_Marie)