Rihanna’s acting career is heating up. In addition to starring in Luc Besson’s Valerian, A&E revealed that the songstress will be appearing in the fifth and final season of Bates Motel. The news was announced yesterday [Friday, July 22] at San Diego Comic Con. The show, which also stars Vera Farmiga, is loosely based on Psycho. 

RiRi is set to play Marion Crane, a role made famous by Janet Leigh. Executive producer Carlton Cuse shared how Rihanna got involved during the panel. “I read this article in which she said she was a fan of Bates Motel … We asked and she said yes. It was awesome. We’re really excited about it. It really feels very much like the version of the character that is different from the movie.”

In the original Psycho, Marion Crane checks into Bates Motel, where she crosses paths with motel owner Norman Bates. The shower scene where she gets stabbed to death is the film’s most legendary moment. Cuse continued, “We wanted her to very much be her own character and we felt in order to do that we needed to find someone who was very, very special to play Marion.”