The famed poet, author, playwright, and activist will have his funeral services this weekend in NJ

Political activist Jesse Jackson will be among the notable personalities who will show their respect for Amiri Baraka at his wake tonight in New Jersey.

The wake will be held at the metropolitan Baptist Church in Newark tonight for the revered 79 year old poet/author/activist who passed away last Thursday after dealing with a long term, acute illness.

Even after being condemned as a homophobic anti-Semite who stirred up necessary feelings about racism against Black people in America, Baraka, who was formerly known as Leroi Jones, is still recognized as a hero and poetic genius to most. His 2002 poem called “Somebody Blew Up America” was under heavy fire for quotes that were taken as anti-Semitic.

In the highly criticized poem, Amiri says, “Who told 4,000 Israeli workers at the Twin Towers to stay home that day?” The controversial line got his position as NJ’s poet laureate revoked, but Baraka will always be Newark’s native son.

His funeral will be held on Saturday at newark Symphony Hall.

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)