2016 Budweiser Made in America Festival - Day 2


Malia Obama can’t do anything without sparking the outrage of the Internet’s lurking conservatives. Not listen to music. Not wear a hip hop t-shirt. And certainly not be pictured anywhere near any adult beverages of any kind.

Unfortunately, a new picture of the First Daughter, 18, at a party in Maryland where beer pong was played (gasp!) means renewed interest in her extracurricular activities. DailyMail published the picture, piecing together based on her outfit that the Harvard-bound teenager went to a get together immediately after the Made In America festival a week ago. Notice that Malia doesn’t have a drink, or any other substance, in her hand. Seriously, notice it:

But even if she did, who cares? She’s 18, and it’s no big deal if she sips a beer or takes a puff off a joint every once in a while. Considering everything she has to deal with in her daily life, who wouldn’t need to unwind? It doesn’t make her any less of a role model.

Thankfully, there are reasonable voices on Twitter defending this 18-year-old’s right to live a little:

According to the Daily Mail, the White House Press Office didn’t respond to a request for comment. If they do, hopefully it’ll be, “FOH.”
SOURCE: DailyMail | PHOTO: Getty