The story of the “Stop and Frisk” policy is a tawdry tale told in colors of Black and Brown less than any other. You’d like to think that it’s a policy truly designed to keep the citizens that dwell within its safeguarding fervently protected. Unfortunately, they are not. stop and frisk has done little more than exacerbate the already difficult relationship between police and minorities. It’s gotten so bad that there’s even an app (more on that later) to monitor the practice.

We already already heard from the cop that spoke out about the injustice of ‘Stop And Frisk’ policy. But his tale is only the beginning.

Darrin Manning

darrin manning ruptured testicles stop and frisk - darrin manning ruptured testicles stop and frisk

A 16-year-old boy named Darrin Manning was recently sexually assaulted by a police officer in Philadelphia who was executing a version of stop and frisk She grabbed on his testicles so hard that they ruptured and the boy had to have immediate surgical care.

What was he doing? Walking with his friends wearing basketball uniforms and scarves over their faces to protect them from the cold. Sounds like a good excuse to tear his balls, right?

The Miami Gardens Convenience Store

Then there’s the case of the Miami Gardens convenience store security cameras that caught hundreds of suspicious stop and frisk-like police activities. Shop owner Alex Saleh installed the cameras not so much to catch customers doing dirty as much as to have video proof of what the police were doing to his customers and, yes, employees.