It seems like since Colin Kaepernick took a stance against oppression and police violence, the country has been out of control. While many people of color have been vocal about what’s going on in regards to police brutality, there has been a lot of silence as well.

Yet many people are very extremely vocal about Colin refusing to stand for the National Anthem. However, after the killing of two Black men this week, many of Colin’s critics have been silent about the injustice that caused him to take a knee in the first place.

In comes Joel Edgerton, star of a new movie called Loving, about an interracial married couple who are forced to leave Virginia because of their relationship. Since the Loving couple faced oppression, I asked them about Kaep’s stance and Joel’s answer was perfect.

After playing Richard Loving, Joel said he learned, “Silence is often born out of injustice and when people learn to be silent and lie down on a subject, it’s a real shame and there is real sadness in that.” 

Loving is in theaters November 4th.

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