Art is always an integral part of protest. It captures the imagination of the people and sometimes makes messages more digestible than a speech or essay will. While still in the throes of the Black Lives Matter movement, Camden art collective The Super Poor Kids have produced an art collection, called The Saddest Day On Repeat, which is dedicated to the victims of state/vigilante violence and the activists on the front line, fighting daily. The artwork is stylized in accordance with Dr. Seuss books. Though Seuss has been outed as a racist in recent years, the use of his legendary, beloved art style to depict gruesome, tragic scenes is very jarring, to say the least. Peep the collection and the individuals/events that each piece is dedicated to (all images credited to The Super Poor Kids):
To see more work by The Super Poor Kids, visit their official website. They can also be followed on Twitter at @SuperPoorKids and Instagram at @thesuperpoorkids. You can see The Saddest Story On Repeat in person this Saturday in Philly:
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