Earlier this month, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a case brought by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against a company that refused to hire a woman because she wouldn’t cut off her locs.

The EEOC claimed that banning dreadlocks was a form of racial discrimination because “prohibition in the workplace constitutes race discrimination because dreadlocks are a manner of wearing the hair that is physiologically and culturally associated with people of African descent.”

The court ruled to support the company, essentially deeming dreadlocks as unprofessional. So, while Marc Jacobs can appropriate the style in the name of ‘high fashion,’ Black men and women have to fear for their jobs if they choose to wear their hair in locs.

But that doesn’t stop people from proudly wearing the hairstyle. From Bob Marley to Zendaya, to Lil Wayne, watch above for a tribute to some of our favorite stars who have shown their Black pride by rocking locs from the stage, to the red carpet and beyond.

PHOTO: Getty