With the unrolling of cannabis legalization programs in states across the nation, many-a-curious stoner has asked if employers can still test for ganja in those states. Surely curious cannabis connoisseurs in Washington, DC, where weed is legal for recreational use, have wondered the same thing. Now, their questions have been answered…at least as far as pre-employment screening is concerned.
The move to prohibit pre-employment weed screening was approved by the DC Council. According to Counter Current News, Councilman Vincent Orange, the bill’s sponsor, said “district residents shouldn’t have to worry about lost job opportunities just because they’ve smoked pot, especially now that the city has voted to legalize marijuana possession.”
Counter Current News elaborates on the measure:
Even though the bill is a city law and not a Federal one FBI director James Comey Had made it known that their cannabis testing policy was making it hard to fight cyber crime.
According to the Wall Street Journal, director Comey stated “that if the FBI hopes to continue to keep pace withcyber criminals, the organization may have to loosen up its no-tolerance policy for hiring those who like to smoke marijuana”.
Especially with the huge number of hackers that are on the payroll of not so friendly state actor like China and Russia.
“I have to hire a great workforce to compete with those cyber criminals and some of those kids want to smoke weed on the way to the interview,” Mr. Comey said to the White Collar Crime Institute, an annual conference heldat the New York City Bar Association in 2014.