New York City, the mecca of hip-hop, has dealt with the west coast and southern takeover in the mainstream over the last handful of years. But, things are changing quickly and NYC has a lot to be excited about when it comes to new artists.

A. Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, born and raised in the Bronx. Civil TV recently linked up with the young upstart for a new edition of Civil TV’s “Welcome To My Neighborhood” to learn more about him and how he became the man he is today.

Being one of the promising artists in his neighborhood is both good and bad. “Every time I go on the block, it’s always love. But you know, there’s the hate too,” A. Boogie explains. “You never know what to expect.”

Civil TV strolled around the neighborhood Boogie grew up in where he got to see some old friends from the block and catch up for a bit. Later on, they stopped by Atlantic Records where a photo shoot and some meetings were on Boogie’s itinerary. They ended the day cruising through the streets of NY, meeting up with fans, etc. It’s clear that Boogie is focused and at his stage in his career, and that’s essential.

Without further adieu, tune into the latest edition of Civil TV’s “Welcome To My Neighborhood” with none other than A. Boogie Wit Da Hoodie.  His next EP is slated for a 10/28 release.