Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani has gotten on the campaign trail for presidential hopeful Donald Trump and has obviously forgotten about the most pivotal moment in his political career. And who was next to him when it was happening.
Giuliani made a blunderous statement yesterday, implying that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not on the front lines during the 9/11 tragedy, but pictures from that fateful day 15 years ago proves that was a lie.
“Don’t tell me that you remember September 11, 2001. I remember September 11, 2001. Yes, you helped get benefits for the people that were injured that day, but I heard her say she was there that day. I was there that day, I don’t remember seeing Hillary Clinton there. That was like when she said she had to run through gunfire. That turned out to be, what do we call it? A lie.”
On previous occasions, Giuliani has also forgotten that 9/11 happened at all – like when he said there had never been any terrorist attacks in the United States before President Obama was elected. Such a selective memory in such a disrespectful way for such a heinous political candidate is just the lowest of the low.