Movies surrounding N.W.A have been at an all time high lately as everyone seeks to tell the true story. Adding to the string of biopics, Eazy E’s family wants their turn. They have been crowdfunding documentary A Ruthless Scandal on Kickstarter.

The late rapper’s daughter, Ebie Wright, started a campaign last month that unsuccessfully ended yesterday [October 15, 2016]. Not backing down, a second campaign launched.

“This project is going to happen one way or another! People want to know this story. It’s been requested, supported and anticipated by fans around the world for years and even more so after Straight Outta Compton the movie was released,” Wright says on the Kickstarter, “You got 2 hours and 27 minutes of NWA in the movie, and now it’s time to hear Eazy’s side of things. Yes, his side through the people who loved him and know the truth!”

Wright, mother Tracy Jernagin, and sister Erica have been working on this documentary for 10 years. They promise that it will showcase Eazy E from all angles — his rise, fall, and tragic death. The production itself has been a search for answers. Wright notes in a video that the circumstances behind the rapper’s death were sketchy. She says that she suspects murder: recalling a secret marriage and change in benefactor right before the rapper passed. This conspiracy will drive the plot of A Ruthless Scandal.

The goal date for the campaign is in December, hopefully raising at least $100,000. “This has been the fight of our lives. Our father’s legacy was been ripped from us completely,” says Erica Wright.