Subway sign; New York City, New York, United States of America


Subway commuting is typically a lonely affair, where time is passed by listening to music through earbuds, staring at the floor or contorting your body so you don’t accidentally brush butts with the person standing next to you.

What doesn’t often happen on mass transit, however, is sharing. Or caring. Until now. A man named Crispin Booker shared a video on Facebook of one of the most beautiful things we’ve ever seen on the downtown express: people vocalizing the things their proud of to a car full of complete strangers.

It starts with one man walking through the crowded train car asking for people to share their stories, because “we all have something we can celebrate.” Breaking the awkward silence, a tall, bearded man in a navy blue hoodie takes him up on his offer.

“Just about a month ago,” he starts, “I’d be considered a scary guy with a hoodie; Black, beard. But just a month ago on Netflix, Luke Cage made it cool!” The man went on to say that he works for a hedge fund in Manhattan and donates computers to the island of Grenada, saying that he’s “that new face of the Black, tall, dark fellow in a hoodie.”

The video has since gone viral and will hopefully inspire similar brags on public transportation across the country.

 SOURCE: Facebook | PHOTO: Getty