Was it just the cops doing their job or was it the hip hop police back on the prowl to harass your favorite emcee’s?

According to sources, Chicago’s own Lupe Fiasco was pulled over by the New York Police Department around 1:20 a.m. First reported by CBS Radio’s Brandon “Scoop B” Robinson, Lupe was leaving a concert from the famous BB King Blues and Grill Club in the Time Square section of New York City. According to his tweets, he was stopped by the police where roughly 10 officers searched his automobile.

It’s safe to say that Fiasco is in good hands but many will be pondering about what was the authorities main purpose of stopping the highly opinionated rapper. After all, the head honcho of 1st &15 has not been a stranger to expressing his thoughts about the authorities and government regulation. Fans and sources are hoping that the hip hop police will not punish Lupe for speaking out on the issues that continues to exist today.