The braggadocious Doctor Strange is the latest Marvel character to get his own movie, and lucky for fans everywhere, I had the opportunity to chat with everyone involved in the film.

Strange is played by the very talented Benedict Cumberbatch, who just so happens to be a Gucci Mane fan. In the film, Doctor Strange makes reference to some of his favorite musicians, including Beyoncé and Adele.

So being that this flick deals with magic and has a few music elements to it, I thought I’d ask a fun question to gauge Benedict’s opinion on whether Gucci Mane, one of my favorite rappers, is a clone.

As you know, there has been a lot of talk about the “new” post-jail version of Gucci being a clone.

So I got Benedict Cumberbatch to weigh in on the likelihood Gucci Mane’s clone is currently running the streets. Check out his response and reaction above.

Doctor Strange hits theaters on November 4th.

PHOTO CREDIT: InteractiveOne

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