Apollo7Dior is an upcoming artist from Long Island whose music appeals directly to today’s youth culture. The NYC native has caught the eyes of many as he continues to expand his catalog of music. His latest drop, “THRIFT (VLone Conscious Thuggin)“, is another strong addition to his collection of work.
Apollo injects NYC’s underground culture heavily into his music. The title of his new record is a reference to the popular street-wear brand “VLone” created by A$AP Bari. It’s here where he recalls his time in prison, and explains why he feels he is the “waviest” artist from his area.
“THRIFT (VLone Conscious Thuggin)” combines melodic auto-tune with strong, upbeat production. With that being said take a listen to Apollo7Dior’s newest release, and look out for more to come in 2017. Check it out here: