On November 13th, 1991, the late Tupac Shakur released his debut album “2Pacalypse Now“. Who would have thought people would still be purchasing vinyl records 25 years later? It turns out that Shakur’s legendary album will now be available in cassette tapes and vinyl records in celebration of the project’s 25th birthday (November 13th).

Although 2Pacalypse Now is his lowest selling album to date, his life came to an abrupt conclusion as his death changed the world as well as the genre of hip-hop in general. The debut album is actually considered some of his best work, despite the numbers. Classic records such as “Trapped” and “If My Homies Calls,” are two prime examples 2Pac’s impressive catalog of music.

The 25th Anniversary copies are being reissued by Respect The Classics, and they’ve actually been available for purchase since November 11th. The vinyl copy is being released as a double LP gatefold, and the cassette will contain an original booklet from 1991 with unreleased photos. Want a copy yourself? Check it out on his official website here.