Saturday Night Live has a legacy of making stars into superstars and breaking the news down to its rawest truth. This is especially true during election years, and after this past Saturday’s show, hosted for the first time by Dave Chappelle, Lorne Michaels needs to politely pass the keys to the kingdom to the comedy icon.
While Kate McKinnon’s ‘Hillary Clinton’ and Alec Baldwin‘s ‘Donald Trump’ sustained us over the past 18 months, it was Dave who swept in at our lowest point and gently held up a mirror to our collective narcissism. Dave’s perfectly-timed return to sketch comedy was just what America needed to put Donald Trump‘s apocalyptic rise into perspective.
Since Barack has to pass the country over to an unqualified con man, Lorne should do the right thing and give Dave the keys to mainstream comedy. And, we need footage of that BET event at the White House with the Black Illuminati and Bradley Cooper.
For me, the most important note Chappelle hit was toward outraged and surprised liberals who are now protesting in vain. He and Chris Rock‘s election night parody emphasized a fact we’ve known since Dave left us for Africa. America is racist. As tragic as Trump’s election is, it’s nothing new. Remember George W. Bush?
The behavior liberal America is now shocked to face has been the reality for many Americans for a long time. Dave gave voice to that with his show and hopefully he’s back for good. We’re going to need him the next four years.
From the musical guests to the return of Dave’s best character’s, this is America at its greatest. Even in our ugliest moment.
Thank you, Dave. And give it up, Lorne. Don’t make us come take it.
SOURCE: Saturday Night Live | PHOTO: Getty