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The Obamas have shown a superhuman level of grace to Donald J. Trump and Melania Trump in the days since the election, but it seems like Trump’s supporters are unwilling to return the favor.

A West Virginia mayor and her businesswoman friend are facing major backlash after calling First Lady Michelle Obama an “ape in heels.”“It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House,” posted Pamela Ramsey Taylor, director of the government-funded Clay County Development Corp. “I’m tired of seeing an ape in heels.”

Beverly Whaling, the mayor of Clay, co-signed the racist, hateful sentiment by commenting, “Just made my day Pam,” on the post.

Both Taylor and Whaling have since deleted their Facebook accounts, but not before multiple people got screen grabs of the offending post:

Now, a petition is going around for both women to be fired from their respective posts.

According to the New York Daily News, every county of West Virginia went for Donald Trump in last week’s election, with more than 77% of Clay County supporting him.

Of course, Mrs. Obama has faced plenty of racism over the past eight years, but let’s not forget that Trump gave credence to this kind of talk from the moment Barack Obama took the oath of office, when he started the Birther Movement. This incident is a natural extension of that movement, which now has the full force of the Oval Office behind it.

We’re entering dark days, indeed.

SOURCE: NewYorkDailyNews | PHOTO: Getty