Lil Wayne ruffled feathers with his controversial thoughts on racism and Black Lives Matter recently, but one fellow hip-hop legend is putting all that aside to give the rapper credit where credit is due.
Scarface took some time to talk to HipHopDX about all that Wayne has accomplished in his 34 years of life, saying, “He’s not one of the best, he’s probably the best” where millennial lyricists are concerned.
“I think that Wayne will go down in history as one of the best… He’s not one of the best, he’s probably the best. Wayne, that’s a dangerous lil’ n*gga, man… he’ll be the greatest rapper of his time,” he said before adding: “He’s a millennial. He’ll be the greatest millennial of all time. Nobody can beat him. You give me a motherfucker that popped out their ass in the 1980s that’s that good. Shout out to Lil Wayne, man. He’s so fucking dope.”
Listen to Scarface sing Wayne’s praises at the end of the clip above, plus all the funniest reactions to Wayne’s Black Lives Matter comments below.
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