In late August of this year, Levi Carter inked his deal with Roc Nation. Following the signing, the Bronx-to-Virginia artist delivered his Presence of a Lord EP. He was also featured as a rising artist on TIDAL, so the connection there draws a bit.

During his time in Philadelphia, Carter was featured in Ammo Stilo’s latest vlog for their #MyStilo series. They talked about everything — from fashion, the music industry, and Carter got some work done with Philly-based producer 1Ttyme.

“[Supreme] always gonna be legendary, but they’re falling off,” Carter expressed. “The whole hype and resale s**t of it — it’s falling off.”

Towards the end of the vlog, 1Tyme and Carter got their session in, followed by a celebratory shots. Watch the vlog here, which was shot by Jared Richardson and stay tuned for more works coming from Ammo Stilo.

Levi Carter’s #Stilo from Ammo Stilo on Vimeo.