A source close to the child star seems to think so. According to Straight From the A, Keshia is “running around town shooting a pilot/sizzle reel for a reality series about her ‘life’ or lack thereof.”
The source, who clearly doesn’t care for Keshia, continues, “this Cosby Show sweetheart is trying to profit what-so-ever on this ‘unfortunate’ situation. We might have to wonder if this whole thing between her and baby daddy Ed Hartwell is real or just a plot for profit because neither have any real world skills and both lack personality.”
But the tea doesn’t stop there. “It’s weird that she has been pitching reality shows for the last couple of years after her name was thrown around for consideration for [Real Housewives of Atlanta] but she shot it down on arrival…because she thought she was too good,” the source continues. “But hey we all have bills and have to eat and Ms. Pulliam will learn to play some sort of role to secure a check even if it requires her to exploit herself for the masses.”