Houston’s own ShooterMAC will have you stunned with his distinctive hip hop music.

With his new single release “I‘m Wit It“, you will see why the artist cannot be in comparison with the majority of HTowns’ artists. Kelven“ShooterMAC” Hunter has an authentic voice that is relative to real society. The Texas native orginates from the North East side of Houston. With his passion for music and his hunger, you can feel his presence through bar after bar. I‘m Wit It which was produced by Kartier, is a prime example for any fella in the hood day in, day out. He has been grinding it out with Rebel Muziksince day one, showing timing is everything. The video has a feel of rawness and  show the rapper is in overtime. It’s time for the Shooter to show why he up next. ShooterMAC is one unsigned artist we can say getting the business in! With the queen, “MyssLovie” at his side through the journey of his music, the moves are steady being made. You can check out radio station www.love2jamradio.com where ShooterMAC has airplay through the roof! We can really argue that his wordplay is beyond the era of music today.


Here’s the visual of his latest track.
