Events DC Presents 'Wale: A Concert About Nothing'

Source: Paul Morigi / Getty

Wale was knee deep in some Thanksgiving turkey yesterday and the Bawse took notice.

The MMG rapper had mouths everywhere drooling when he posted a photo of his friend’s bird – it came out so good, he had to brag. Wale said of the turkey, “He marinated my bird for 48 hours and now it’s going to taste like it was marinated in tears of joy from angels and sunkissed by The Gods.” 

Instagram Photo

Being the wordsmith he is, Rick Ross couldn’t help but share his complex opinion of the bird. “Dam dat bitch look astounding,” he wrote under the photo. Our thoughts exactly, Bawse.

Get a good look at the main event at Wale’s Thanksgiving feast above. How did yours measure up against his?

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