The masses have been following the hit Netflix series, Narcos, which is based on DEA accounts of the life of billionaire drug lord Pablo Escobar in Colombia. The show’s second season ended with the famous scene of Escobar dead on the rooftop. On Narcos, the death shot was delivered by a Colombian law enforcement officer, however, no one knows what really happened on that rooftop on December 2, 1993. Escobar’s son, Sebastian Marroquin (formerly Juan Pablo Escobar) is singing a different tune, as he prepares for the release of his latest book, Pablo Escobar Red Handed: What My Father Never Told Me.

Marroquin was 17 when his father died. “He wept when taking leave of the whole family. As if sensing that was the last time he would see us alive,” he revealed to The Sun about the last time he saw his father alive. Marroquin says that he spoke to Escobar on the phone ten minutes before he died. “He never used the phone for years being the most wanted man in the world, until that day when he was found.”

Marroquin declares that his father took his own life, to avoid being captured and protect his family from being kidnapped by enemies like Los Pepes. “I have the absolute certainty that my father committed suicide,” he told The Sun.  “Coroners who did the autopsy were threatened and forced to change the official report. My father always told me the shot that would take his life would stick.”

Even more claims were made by Marroquin, concerning Escobar and corrupt government figures:

In his second book, Pablo Escobar, In Fraganti translated as Red Handed, Mr Marroquin said there was a “network of corruption” that stretched from Colombia to the US.

He highlighted how 800 kilos of cocaine were flown between Medellin and Miami International Airport each week – allegedly in collusion with US drug officials.

This resulted in more than 64 tons of cocaine being trafficked into the US between 1986 and 1989.

“There are some shocking revelations about my father and the bonds of international corruption that helped him make millions for very important organisations through drug trafficking.

Pablo Escobar Red Handed: What My Father Never Told Me by Sebastian Marroquin has been published in Colombia and is slated for wider release in the coming months.


Read an exclusive interview with Sebastian Marroquin here.