michelle obama

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A Colorado professor and doctor is claiming she isn’t racist after making very disturbing comments about First Lady Michelle Obama. But what’s new?

Dr. Michelle Herren, a pediatric anesthesiologist for Denver Health Medical Center and assistant professor at Colorado University’s School of Medicine, took to Facebook to bad-mouth FLOTUS.

From Complex:

On Facebook, Herren posted a picture of Michelle Obama yelling, and added her own caption: “Doesn’t seem to be speaking too eloquently here, thank god we can’t hear her! Harvard??? That’s a place for ‘entitled’ folks said all the liberals!” In the comments, Herren added, “Monkey face and poor ebonic English!!! There! I feel better and am still not racist!!! Just calling it like it is!”

Herren has since deleted her post and follow-up comments, and argues that what she said was taken out of context. She also says she was responding to another post, “which argued that it’s OK to ‘say whatever they want about Melania Trump, but if they do the same about Michelle Obama they’re considered racist,’ Complex writes.

The site continues, “Dr. Herren, who makes $363,600 a year, will keep from her job with Denver Health, where she’s worked since late 2007. Denver Health said in a statement: ‘We don’t condone nor do we agree with the statements Dr. Herren made, as they are inconsistent with Denver Health’s mission and values. However, we cannot control the opinions our staff choose to express as private individuals.’”


SOURCE: Complex

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