CA: LAPD Gang Unit

Source: Robert Nickelsberg / Getty

Twenty-four-year-old Bronx, New York resident Desmond Muller lost his life after getting shot while walking away from an argument with a group of men outside of a deli, according to witnesses.

From The Grio:

“There were about four guys who drink over there,” said witness Edward Green. He added that Muller was part of that group before, “Suddenly, there were two shots, ‘Pop! Pop!’”

“He was walking toward my car. I thought he was going to ask for money,” said Edwin Mitchell, another witness to the shooting. Mitchell then heard two shots. “He was on the ground bleeding. I got out of the car and said, ‘Get up, Des, get up!’ He was gone.”

A friend said Muller lived with his aunt and was in a drug treatment program. The site continues:

“He was turning his life around,” she said. “He didn’t have trouble with anybody. He didn’t deserve this.”

The shooter was seen fleeing the scene wearing a grey sweatshirt, according to police.

May he rest in peace.

SOURCE: The Grio 

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