The man pictured above is Steven Tyler Manning and he’s one of Cincinnati’s newest inmates. The cops think he was high when broke into a home on Vine Street and started whooping one of the residents. It was Officer Tyler Lane’s time to be a hero. He responded to the call and confronted Manning and tased him. The struggle continued, though, and according to Lt. Steve Saunders, “the officer went through a window.” Lane received a gash on his forehead that required 12 stitches.

There seems to be more to this story. Why arrested Steven Tyler Manning? It couldn’t’ve been Officer Lane. Lt. Saunders’ words may not have fully described the situation with “went through a window.” How does one “go” through a window? The most likely answer is you flew through that window. I didn’t know people really get thrown through windows during fights; thought that only happened in saloon scenes in Wild West movies. If he’d been thrown through a window (which is the most likely thing that happened) how did he arrest Manning?

We’ll probably never know the hero who really arrested Steven Tyler Manning. However, I’m concerned for Officer Lane. Police precincts aren’t day spas. They’re hooligans, too. Having been around my fair share of hooligans, I know that Officer Lane is getting DESTROYED by his colleagues. I think a cop should have to quit if he’s hurled through a window. There’s no coming back from that. If a man lifts you off your feet and executes a maneuver during a fight, he made a movie out of you. (Especially if things fell out of your pockets and you have to pick them up after everything settles down [ not speaking from experience]). You’re a grown man. Grown men don’t get lifted and tossed. Now, every criminal (or noncriminal) he approaches will know that he gets thrown through windows. He might get thrown through another one. God forbid he quits the force and tries to get on a jail staff at whatever jail Manning is taken to. That’d be a disaster.

However, Officer Lane’s potential lamentations are not the most important aspect of this tale. Notice, Manning was unarmed and is alive to get his newest mugshot. Of paramount importance is the fact that that this guy is still alive. How many folks of color (without tattoos on their faces) have died for less. Much, much less. How did he live to get his mugshot taken? HE THREW A COP THROUGH THE WINDOW OF A HOUSE HE BROKE INTO.

Officer Lane’s gotta hit the gym, though. Cops can’t be outchea getting thrown through windows, breh. It’s a bad look for the force.

Watch one lady beat up another in their apartment complex parking lot here.