There are consistent issues breaking news in the United States on Muslims. Another act of discrimination goes viral and it is understood where both the president and newly elect stands on this matter.

Today [Dec. 22nd] President Barack Obama‘s administration have released that they will be ending the program directed towards tracking the Arab and Muslim men in the United States.

According to CNN, The Department of Homeland Security’s spokesman said that the system is removing their outdated regulation immediately. Obama administration halted the program back in 2011 almost making it obsolete for some intervening years.

Recently, President-elect Donald Trump encouraged a program that would track these immigrants in our country. However, his adviser Kellyanne Conway told CNN today that Trump has now decided not to pursue a ban on Muslims based on their religion.

Muslims have reached headlines for discrimination in the United States. A viral video has now surfaced showing Arabic men being removed from the Delta airlines for speaking their language. Watch full clip here!
