Pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli Returns To Court On New Conspiracy Charge

Source: Drew Angerer / Getty


Remember Martin Shkreli, the pharmaceuticals troll who jacked up the price of HIV medication and then used the proceeds to buy Wu-Tang Clan’s album all for himself? Well, he’s back at it, and this time he’s made an even more exclusive purchase. Allegedly.
The self-proclaimed ‘Pharma bro’ took to social streaming platform Periscope to brag about his latest acquisition. “I have acquired, I would say, Hip Hop’s most sought after album,” he says, and then goes on to tease viewers for several minutes by saying “It’s going to make Wu-Tang look irrelevant,” and that “It’s all for me, that’s right. i need a few thousand more followers before I play this shit.”

As for how he got the previously unreleased record, Shkreli mumbles, “Let’s uhh, just say this thing just fell into my lap. But when you are as handsome, good looking, smart and wealthy as me, things just fall into your lap.”


He goes on, “I’ve got unreleased 2pac for the millennia. Man why doesn’t nobody want to hear this shit, why do I even bother. Alright fuck it I’ll play it.”

Finally, at around the four minute and 35 second mark, Shkreli malevolently announces the track is allegedly from Lil Wayne‘s, Tha Carter V, and begins streaming music around the four minute and 50 second mark.

Shkreli goes on to say that Wayne’s lyrics are supposedly about him, and that Tha Carter 5 is “a two CD tape, two CD tape, Weezy” and that it’s “the best Weezy album ever.” He also claims to have Dr. Dre’s  Detox album.

Wonder how many more thousand followers it’ll take for him to stream the whole damn thing.